Company Updates

Company Updates

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates:

Babs Delivery Service has been and remains fully operational. We are committed to providing first in class service and support to our customers as we all work together to keep supply chains open and operational. Babs Delivery Service continues to follow the policies and guidelines of health organizations and local governments in order to best protect our employees, vendors and customers.

As localities begin to slowly reopen, we have been closely monitoring the situations in each state and region and continue to follow CDC recommendations. At a very early stage we implemented protective measures such as daily temperature checks and have added symptom checks for all onsite employees. We have enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols and our onsite warehouse employees are following recommended guidelines regarding social distancing, hygiene controls and the wearing of face coverings to ensure we operate in a clean and safe environment to protect our workers, vendors and customers’ products. Many of our workers have transitioned to working from home and we are extremely proud of the resilience they have demonstrated to balance work life and family obligations while continuing to support and respond to customer needs.

Babs Delivery Service will remain vigilant in monitoring the situation as it evolves over the coming weeks and months and remains committed to the health and wellbeing of our employees, vendors and each of you, our valued customers.

As always, should you have any questions please reach out to your regular Babs Delivery Service representative.

Babs Delivery Service, LLC (“Omni”) continues to closely monitor recent events and updates regarding COVID-19.

All Babs Delivery Service locations are open and fully operational, with essential staff on site and the majority of our staff working remotely. Our IT systems and freight tracking remain fully functional. We continue to be committed to supporting all of our customers with minimal disruption to their supply chains, and to bringing the highest level of services expected from Babs Delivery Service every day.

Babs Delivery Service continues to comply with all orders and directives as they are communicated. We have integrated the CDC’s updated preventative guidelines from March 27th into our policies and procedures and continue to be focused on the health and safety of our customers and employees. We are committed to keeping our work environments safe for our employees, while maintaining operations for our customers and their shipments.

As always, we encourage you to reach out to your Account Management team with any questions.

Babs Delivery Service is closely monitoring recent events, including the various “shelter in place” orders and other government directives that have been issued. Babs Delivery Service is and will continue to comply with all orders and have transitioned the majority of our associates to work remotely, in an unprecedented rollout of our Business Continuity Plan.

On March 16, 2020, the White House published “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America,” which states that employees in critical infrastructure industries “have a special responsibility to maintain [their] normal work schedule.” Babs Delivery Service, as a provider of transportation, warehousing and other value-added services across various industries including healthcare, information technology, food and agriculture, and transportation and logistics services supporting businesses and retailers around the world, takes pride in responsibly continuing critical operations to support the supply chains of each of our customers.

Be assured that all Babs Delivery Service locations are open and operational. IT systems are fully functioning and available to our associates, wherever they are working. In addition, freight tracking capabilities remain fully functioning and available to our clients.

As previously communicated, Babs Delivery Service has now fully implemented an additional phase of preventative measures. These preventative measures include:

  • All employees whose job responsibilities allow, are working exclusively from home;
  • Employees who must be on site are adhering to all CDC recommended protocols and have been directed to monitor their temperatures at work and observe recommended social distancing guidelines; and
  • No visitors are permitted at any Babs Delivery Service location.

We have taken these steps for the health and safety of our employees and to best position Babs Delivery Service to continue supporting your supply chains.  We are committed to safely bringing you the highest level of service that you expect from us every day.

As always, please feel free to reach out to your normal Sales and Account Management teams if you should have any questions.

Babs Delivery Service is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 status closely and is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees. As a company with operations across the United States, we have established a phased approach in the U.S. to address concerns across our U.S. locations consistent with risk information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the “CDC”). Similarly, the management teams in our international locations have implemented appropriate measures consistent with best practices and the requirements of local authorities.

We communicated previously about the current situation in the San Francisco Bay area (please see the SFO Area Status below for details). Babs Delivery Service remains open as an Essential Business. In addition to our San Francisco Bay area locations, all of Babs Delivery Service's U.S. locations remain open and operational.

As a proper next step, during the course of this week Babs Delivery Service is implementing an additional phase of preventative measures. The essential framework of the new phase includes the following steps:

  • All employees who are able, will begin working exclusively from home
  • Employees who must be on site will adhere to all CDC recommended protocols and have been directed to monitor their temperatures at work and observe recommended social distancing guidelines.
  • No visitor access at any Babs Delivery Service location

We are taking these steps for the health and safety of our employees and to put us in the best possible position to continue supporting your supply chains. We are committed to safely bringing you the highest level of service that you expect from us every day.

As always, please feel free to reach out to your normal Sales and Account Management teams if you should have any questions.

Babs Delivery Service is aware of the current Orders to ‘shelter in place’ that have been issued by local government health authorities in the greater San Francisco Bay area. While Babs Delivery Service will comply fully with the Order, Babs Delivery Service does provide services consistent with the definition of “Essential Business” as defined in the Order, and as such will continue to receive and ship freight to the maximum extent possible in an effort to maintain the highest level of services to our customers.

All employees who are able will begin working exclusively from home. All essential employees will continue to work on-site providing those services that are necessary for moving shipments. We will also observe other protective measures required by the Order, such as social distancing and other requirements.

Please feel free to reach out to your normal Sales and Account Management teams if you should have any questions.

Babs Delivery Service is pleased to announce the official launch of Babs Delivery Service Trade Services (OTS), the newest subsidiary of Babs Delivery Service. OTS serves as the US customs compliance department for Babs Delivery Service and provides expert customs brokerage services to our valued clients. From preparation of Customs documents to regulatory compliance administration, our OTS team is committed to providing exceptional service to our clients.

OTS is committed to maintaining our regular level of service during these unprecedented times. We already operate in a robust, paperless environment, with communication and IT systems in place to allow us to continue providing client services. Our US Customs Brokerage staff, who normally work in our offices, are also able to transition to working remotely with no impact or delay on customs clearances.

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